«And some people say that it's just rock 'n' roll. Oh but it gets you right down to your soul» NICK CAVE

sexta-feira, maio 12, 2006

101. "Lost Jewel of the Atlantic"

58:52 Jacob Holcomb, director.

Chronicling the discovery of one of Europe's best surf spots on Madeira island, and its subsequent destruction by the Portuguese (Madeiran) Government, this film argues that waves should be preserved just like other natural treasures. Hair-raising big wave footage combines with environmental activism and interviews with surfing greats. locally produced. An excellent antidote to the notion that an individual doesn't matter.
Santa Cruz Film Festival 2006, May 8

Ficam algumas outras pistas a respeito do filme documentário Lost Jewel of the Atlantic:

Notícia no Diário de Notícias da Madeira.

Dados divulgados pela Global Surf News, com comentários online sobre a notícia.

Comentário no Conspiração às Sete.

Página da Save the Waves.

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