Fotografia: Miguel Perestrelo (c) copyright
Se os autores do filme Lost Jewel of the Atlantic vão ser processados pelo Governo Regional por, alegadamente, difundirem imagens de obras que dão má imagem da Madeira e colocam em causa o bom nome do Executivo, como a obra do paredão-promenade do Jardim do Mar, então os autores do postal, que se reproduz acima, podem ser igualmente processados. Porque destacam e espalham por toda a ilha imagens do enrocamento massivo, com a agravante de mostrar fotografias de duas perspectivas diferentes e estar acesssível a milhares de turistas, que visitam a ilha e enviam o postal para o estrangeiro.
If the producers of the film Lost Jewel of the Atlantic are going to be sued by the Government of Madeira for, as it is said, broadcasting images of construction works that give a bad name to Madeira and to its government, like the seawall in Jardim do Mar, the producers of the postcard displayed might also be sued. Because they show and distribute throughout the whole island pictures of the massive construction. With the following aggravating circumstances : the postcard shows pictures taken from two different perspectives and it is accessible to thousands of tourists that visit the island and send them abroad.
If you have not seen the trailer yet: Lost Jewel of the Atlantic
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